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Can I do my white card course online?

Workplace Health and Safety Queensland mandates that the white card induction course must be face-to-face training unless you live more than 100km from an RTO that is approved to deliver the course.

I lost my construction white card. Can I get a replacement?

To replace your white card you need to contact the RTO that issued your card. If the RTO that issued your card is no longer operating, you will need to contact another RTO that conducts general construction induction training and provide a Statement of Attainment to the RTO for CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry, or the previous course CPCCOHS1001A Work safely in the construction industry, as well as a declaration of the circumstances in which the card was lost, stolen or destroyed.

I had a construction blue card but I lost it. Can I get a white card to replace it?

The only way you can get a white card to replace your old blue card is to do the construction induction course for the white card. Did you know, you will also need to do the white card course if you want to do an Asbestos removal course? It is a pre-requisite to any asbestos removal course.

Do I have to have my dogging licence before I can do a riggers course?

Yes. It is a pre-requisite requirement that you have evidence of completing the dogging training and/or hold a licence to perform dogging before you do the rigging training. This now also applies to high risk work licence crane training as well.

My forklift licence is expired. Do I have to do the course again?

If it is less than 12 months since your licence expired, you can renew the licence by contacting Worksafe Queensland. If your licence has expired by more than 12 months, you do not have to do the full course but you will have to sit the assessments again. If you do not want to do the full course, you will have to supply the RTO with evidence of the old licence and evidence of competency in operating the machine before you site the assessments. If this applies to you, please contact our office for information about the process.